Training 18-07-2022
Place of start | Výšovice |
Distance | 35.716 km |
Date and time of start | 18.07.2022 06:45:00 |
Weather on the place of start | Clear, calm, 12° C. |
Weather on the place of finish | Partly cloudy, NE wind, 17-25° C. |
Number of placed pigeons | 1543 |
Number of breeders | 255 |
Talent Quatro Team!!!
Hello friends!
We did not get any sleep!! Boss Standa woke us up at 3:30am morning. Terrible. Before we recovered, we were already in the car driving in the direction of Výšovice. “Wait, boss, we’ll torment you. There will be no mass flights. Flying through one by one. In the morning we want to sleep. Keep this in mind! “
Talents of yours.