2 Hotspot Race 7 training


7 Training and 2 Hotspot. Due to the weather conditions the organization of Algarve G. Derby decided to cancel the release and change the date to Friday 27. There is no visibility and the forecast for the next hours is that the conditions will get worst. It’s start raining and like we’ve done all this year’s the pigeons health and safety is in first place, why risk when there’s time to do it another day and give pigeons conditions to learn and be prepared for the races that will start next week. Hope everyone understand that this is a hard decision for us because all the logistics and work involved but in our opinion it’s the best decision to make in this situation. AGD Organization

  • Release Point: Mertola
  • Info:Release delayed waiting for better conditions
  • Distance: 75 km
  • Release Time: 24.08.2021 08:30:00 (GMT +1:00)
  • basketed Pigeons: 2986

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