The organizer announces the following collection dates:
1st date – Saturday, March 6th, 2021
2nd date – Thursday, March 25, 2021
3rd date – Saturday, April 24, 2021
4th and last appointment – Friday, April 14th May 2021 (after Ascension Day)
The representative of Germany :Currently planned pick-up locations are:
– for the greater Hesse / Frankfurt area – Markus Söllner, Töpfergasse 12, 36269 Philippsthal Phone 06620-6243, email soellner.tauben@unitybox.de
– for the area of North Rhine-Westphalia –
Willi van Beers, Jungbluthstr. 35, 50769 Cologne Telephone 0221-705471, mobile 0178 7911125
Werner A. Waldow – 46282 Dorsten, Gräwingheide 2, Tel: 0049 172 2626841 Email: Werner.A.Waldow@gmx.de
Alfons Klaas – Westerwieher Str. 208, 33397 Rietberg Tel: 0173-2809855 Email: alfons.klaas@europamasterpigeons.com
Markus Söllner- Töpfergasse 12, 36269 Philippsthal, Tel.:066206243,
Josef Stroetges: Tel 02163 9893884, Email Duivenjoep@gmail.com
– for Lower Saxony –
Otto Klaus Klaus Gritsteinwerk GmbH & Co. KG Buchenstrasse 7 – 32257 frets Patrik Winter Rosskampweg 69 32130 narrower Mail: info@tiernahrung-lindemeyer.de Tel: 01709623077
– for the area of Saxony-Anhalt –
Axel Wolf Main street 12, 39264 Gommern-Dornburg Telephone 039242-649433, mobile 0172 4327250
– for southern Germany including Switzerland –
Dietmar Kaiser Unterzeller Weg 12 88340 red on the red Tel: 01712066293
The representative of England, Scotland and Ireland :Gerard Mac Court Tel: 0035 (86) 812 4076Email: gerard_mccourt@hotmail.com
The representative of Poland
Arkadiusz Maziarz Nasz przedstawiciel w Polsce !!!Zawadka 6033-312 Tęgoborzewoj. małopolskietel. (18) 444 92 98kom. 0 692 468 569
The representative of Hungary
Viglidán Ágoston 9083 Écs, HungaryTel: +36306392408Email: viglidan96@gmail.com
The representative of Bulgaria
Marian Paskovphone 00359896368856
The representative of South Africa
Byran MarksTel: 0027 ( 72 ) 548 5541Email: pigeonguru88@gmail.com
Please plan the dates accordingly and register your pigeons with the contact of your choice in good time.
The transport to Romania takes place immediately after collection with a special GERALDY pigeon trailer.
The share of transport costs is € 10.00 per pigeon.
When delivering, please do not forget the documents mentioned in the advertisement (registration form, vaccination certificate and pedigree of the pigeons with ring card)!