Table of Contents


Dear participants and friends, pigeons of march and April are with perfect health, vaccinated and with all preventive treatments done and coming outside in the nets.
We finished the new traps for 2021 and pigeons are learning how to enter.
The may group was vaccinated this week and will be out in the next days. We will have the final shipment this weekend to have the final numbers of this edition, probably the biggest edition ever.


Unfortunately due to legislation in Portugal we will have to make some changes in our structure and we will not be able to make the 2021 edition in the new loft the loft need to change place to be according legislation and we will need to do it briefly.

Our winter race loft is being improved with new traps and new areas to give conditions to all the pigeons that are already in the lofts, we will have our biggest edition ever.

This edition will be a test for what we want to make in the next year’s, full information to our participants, we will have some new features that we will announce very soon. We will keep all full updated, we let you a drawing of what will be in the future. Thanks for all the support and understanding.

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