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Place of start | VRPOLJE (CRO) |
Distance | 509.821 km |
Date and time of start | 13.09.2022 07:20:00 |
Weather on the place of start | Partly cloudy, slight north wind, 13° C. |
Weather on the place of finish | Partly cloudy, southeast wind, 22° C. |
Number of placed pigeons | 392 |
Number of breeders | 196 |
Talent Quatro Finals – Award Ceremony to winners

On behalf of the OLR Talent Quatro team
Stanislav Matuška:
We have finished the fifth, final and therefore the last race of this season. How was it? Definitely the hardest one in our nine-year history. We are very sorry for the high losses of pigeons. This feeling is not alleviated by similarly high losses at many other FCI pigeonhouses.
However, the final race is rated very well. “All’s well that ends well” is the saying. The weather forecast did not lie. It is only a pity that on the second day, Wednesday 14 September 2022, it rained practically all day and the chances of the young pigeons returning were definitely reduced. Nevertheless, many of them passed through the rain and found their way to Šternberk. Hopefully, other pigeons will make it in the next few days.
In the Croatian village of Vrpolje the starter, Mr. Filip Pudič, was waiting for us. He checked the seals on the starting device and at 7:20 am gave the command to start. It was partly cloudy, 13°C and there was a light north wind. Without hesitation the flock of pigeons set off in the right direction – north. Along the way, the north wind gradually diminished and from about the middle of Hungary it started to change to a south wind. It was partly cloudy to cloudy, 22°C and southeast wind.
Absolute ranking:
1. RUPPRECHT RACING TEAM (DE)……….“Lei“……………………………..13:35:01.47…………………….1359,434 m/min.
2. JANIA-LACH TEAM………………………………“Copiwir“………………………13:35:11.17…………………….1358,848 m/min.
3. TEAM Y.F. Senohrábek (CZ)………………“SP 837“………………………..13:35:11,79………………….…1358,811 m/min.
4. NERS Jaroslav (CZ)…………………………….“Viktorie“……………………..13:35:17.33…………………….1358,476 m/min.
5. SKRBEK Marek (CZ)…………………………..“Erico“…………………………..13:35:17.78………………….…1358,449 m/min.
6. RÖTZER Franz (AT)…………………………….“Top 2“………………………….13:35:18.57…………………….1358,402 m/min.
7. HELGESEN Bjorn Ove (NO)………………..“Limit Channel“……………13:35:20.96…………………….1358,257 m/min.
8. TEAM Y.F. Senohrábek (CZ)………………“SP 813“………………………..13:48:59.68…………………….1310,612 m/min.
9. BLAŽEK Petr (CZ)……………………………….“Anča“…………………………..13:49:02.96…………………….1310,428 m/min.
10.ATH KVĚTNÁ /CZ)……………………………..“Záviš“…………………………13:49:11.98…………………….1309,921 m/min.
National Winners:
National winners will receive an exceptional bonus of one free pigeon in 2023. For the competition five countries have entered the competition with more than 50 pigeons delivered.
1st prize Austria: RÖTZER Franz „Top 2“
1st prize Czech Republic: TEAM YOUNG FLYERS Senohrábek „SP 837“
1st prize Poland: JANIA-LACH TEAM „Copiwir“
1st prize Slovakia: HROZEN Peter „Peťko“
National Cup:
1. Germany…………………….4775 p.
2. Czech Republic……………..4743 p.
3-4.Slovakia……………………4668 p.
3-4.Austria……………………..4668 p.
All other categories can be found calculated on the bar under the flap Races & Contests. Study them carefully now, because you will see some really valuable performances. Very few FCI OLRs have in their program courses over 300, 400 and 500 kilometers as in the OLR Talent Quatro! All of the young pigeons mentioned above have managed just such a demanding programme.
Our team will now rest for a few days and immediately afterwards start the most enjoyable part. We will calculate the amount of the awards and contact our most successful participants immediately afterwards, as we do every year. At the same time we will start preparing the pigeon auction. So send us your pedigrees. Thank you.

Familie Soellner (Germany)