DERBY CORABIA OLR: For all the races of Derby Corabia One Loft Race for the purposes of the classification of One Loft Racing World League, the time elapsed from 21:00 hours to 05:00 hours will not be taken into account.
DANISH PIGEON RACE: For all the races of the Danish Pigeon Race for the purposes of the classification of One Loft Racing World League, the time elapsed from 21:30 hours to 05:30 hours will not be taken into account.
ALGARVE GREAT DERBY: For all the races of the Algarve Great Derby for the purposes of the classification of One Loft Racing World League, the time elapsed from 21:30 hours to 05:30 hours will not be taken into account.
DERBY DEL MEDITERRANEO: For all the races of the Derby del Mediterraneo for the purposes of the classification of One Loft Racing World League, the time elapsed from 22:00 hours to 06:00 hours will not be taken into account.
- Familie Joekel: DV-07001-19-00377, DV-07001-19-00382, DV-07001-19-00388, DV-07001-19-00392, DV-07001-19-00414, DV-07001-19-00415, DV-07001-19-00418, DV-07001-19-00425, DV-07001-19-00427, DV-07001-19-00428, DV-07001-19-00435, DV-07001-19-00436.
- Familie Soellner: DV-02733-19-01841, DV-02733-19-01842, DV-02733-19-01853, DV-02733-19-01864, DV-02733-19-01885, DV-02733-19-01887, DV-02733-19-01891, DV-02733-19-01897, DV-02733-19-01927, DV-02733-19-01938, DV-02733-19-01948, DV-02733-19-01955.
- Norwegian Turbo: NO-002-19-00500, NO-002-19-00506, NO-004-19-00215, NO-026-19-01837, NO-026-19-01838, NO-026-19-01839, NO-026-19-01840, NO-026-19-01843, NO-026-19-01855, NO-026-19-01878, NO-026-19-01942, NO-026-19-01962.
- Team Dr. Teerachon – Tec: THAILAND-19-09931, THAILAND-19-09935, THAILAND-19-41106, THAILAND-19-41108, THAILAND-19-41112, THAILAND-19-41117, THAILAND-19-41125, THAILAND-19-41128, THAILAND-19-9927, THAILAND-19-9929, THAILAND-19-9932, THAILAND-19-9937.
- Team Racing Pigeons Jebjerg: 170-19-03233, 170-19-03259, 170-19-03265, 170-19-03273, 170-19-03275, 170-19-03277, 170-19-03282, 170-19-03284, 170-19-03287, 170-19-03296, 170-19-03299, 170-19-03306.
- Theo & Markus Lecke: DV-04087-19-00164, DV-04087-19-00177, DV-04087-19-00179, DV-04087-19-00182, DV-04087-19-00183, DV-04087-19-00184, DV-04087-19-00202, DV-04087-19-00212, DV-04087-19-00229, DV-04087-19-00484, DV-04087-19-00535, DV-04087-19-00536.
- And all pigeons of the rest of the participants.
- Bjørn Ove Helgesen: NOR-032-19-168, NOR-032-19-195, NOR-32-19-174, NOR-32-19-176, NOR-32-19-181, NOR-32-19-192, NOR-32-19-207, NOR-32-19-213, NOR-32-19-215, NOR-32-19-190, NOR-32-19-195 and NOR-32-19-197.
- Familie Soellner: DV-2733-19-1845, DV-2733-19-1979, DV-2733-19-1992, DV-2733-19-1996, DV-2733-19-2006, DV-2733-19-2041, DV-2733-19-2048, DV-2733-19-1851, DV-2733-19-1862, DV-2733-19-1908, DV-2733-19-1943 and DV-2733-19-1951.
- Hok Reijnen-Bolton: NL-19-1001702, NL-19-1001718, NL-19-1001810, NL-19-1001817, NL-19-1001845, NL-19-1001924, NL-19-1001939, NL-19-1001945, NL-19-1001958, NL-19-1001980, NL-19-1001983 and NL-19-1001989.
- Karakurt Pigeons: TR-19-50075, TR-19-50078, TR-19-50083, TR-19-50084, TR-19-50086, TR-19-50124, TR-19-50177, TR-19-50178, TR-19-50199, TR-19-50214, TR-19-50362 and TR-19-50363.
- Maziarz Racing Team: PL-233-19-4004, PL-233-19-4017, PL-233-19-4066, PL-233-19-4100, PL-233-19-4184, PL-233-19-4229, PL-233-19-4231, PL-233-19-4261, PL-233-19-4315, PL-233-19-4340, PL-233-19-4099 and PL-233-19-4207
- Norwegian Turbo: NOR-002-19-493, NOR-002-19-498, NOR-004-19-92, NOR-004-19-93, NOR-026-19-1901, NOR-26-19-1831, NOR-26-19-1832, NOR-26-19-1834, NOR-26-19-1851, NOR-26-19-1854, NOR-26-19-1859 and NOR-26-19-1867
- And all pigeons of the rest of the participants.
- Emiel Denys: 190369ACT-443, 190368ACT-456, 190370RES-512, 190367ACT-563, 190371RES-581, 190372ACT-457, 190373ACT-540, 190376RES-564, 190374ACT-597, 190375RES-598, 190379ACT-523 and 190378ACT-566.
- Familie Joekel: 190056ACT-442, 190057ACT-452, 190058ACT-477, 190059RES-499, 190062ACT-456, 190063ACT-495, 190065RES-343, 190066ACT-448, 190067ACT-470, 190068ACT-497, 190069RES-508 and 190070RES-471.
- Familie Soellner: 190071ACT-167, 190072ACT-168, 190073ACT-174, 190075RES-173, 190076ACT-181, 190078ACT-195, 190079RES-176, 190080RES-186, 190081ACT-204, 190082ACT-209, 190083ACT-214 and 190085RES-196.
- Hok Reijnen-Bolton: 190987ACT-912, 190988ACT-171, 1900994ACT-847, 190992ACT-837, 190999ACT-854, 190998ACT-097, 191002ACT-078, 191003ACT-091, 191004ACT-901, 191009ACT-093, 191007ACT-705 and 191012ACT-710.
- Maziarz Racing Team: 192172ACT-Sachi, 192173ACT-Amor, 192174ACT-Elsa, 192175RES-Kristoff, 192176RES-Ares, 192177ACT-Boyka, 192178ACT-Hans, 192179ACT-Boss, 192180RES-Oaken, 192182ACT-Francis, 192183ACT-Gerda, 192184ACT-Patos.
- Norwegian Turbo: 192103ACT-Turbo Maxima, 192104ACT-Turbo Lamb2, 192106RES-Mojo 901, 192107ACT-Mojo 902, 192109ACT-Mojo 904, 192110RES-Mojo 905, 192111RES-Born to Win, 192112ACT-496, 192113ACT-532, 192114ACT-Lovely Lady, 192115RES-Fast And Safe and 192116RES-495.
- Ronny De Muynck Pigeons: 190473ACT-563, 190474ACT-589, 190475ACT-570, 190476RES-572, 190477ACT-402, 190478ACT-401, 190480RES-403 190531ACT-288, 190532ACT-556, 190533ACT-578, 190534RES-290 and 192637RES- 546.
- Team Dr. Teerachon – Tec: 192530ACT-237, 192531ACT-215, 192532ACT-244, 192533RES-246, 192534RES-241, 192535ACT-416, 192536ACT-422, 192538RES-403, 192539RES-408, 192541ACT-232, 192542ACT-905 and 192543RES-908.
- And all pigeons of the rest of the participants.
- Emiel Denys: BE 3019042/2019, BE 3019091/2019, BE 3019258/2019, BE 3019263/2019, BE 3019286/2019, BE 3019303/2019, BE 3019323/2019, BE 3019486/2019, BE 3019495/2019, BE 3019505/2019, BE 3019520/2019 and BE 3019524/2019.
- Emiel Denys – Qiu Qiao Zhen: BE 3019051/2019, BE 3019097/2019, BE 3019202/2019, BE 3019264/2019, BE 3019309/2019, BE 3019314/2019, BE 3019485/2019, BE 3019494/2019, BE 3019504/2019, BE 3019506/2019, BE 3019514/2019 and BE 3019526/2019.
- Familie Soellner: DV 02733 19 1970, DV 02733 19 1980, DV 02733 19 1981, DV 02733 19 2016, DV 02733 19 2039, DV 02733 19 2049, DV 02733 19 2063, DV 02733 19 2068, DV 02733 19 2075, DV 02733 19 2079, DV 02733 19 2101 and DV 02733 19 2102.
- Norwegian Turbo: NOR-026-19-1870, NOR-026-19-1869, NOR-026-19-1842, NOR-026-19-1885, NOR-004-19-0091, NOR-026-19-1887, NOR-026-19-1847, NOR-004-19-0094, NOR-004-19-0095, NOR-026-19-1853, NOR–002-19-491 and NOR-002-19-531.
- Wichert Karl-Heinz: 2618-19-42, 2618-19-49, 2618-19-75, 2618-19-80, 2618-19-202, 2618-19-238, 2618-19-240, 2618-19-272, 2618-19-309, 2618-19-310, 2618-19-311and 2618-19-380.
- And all pigeons of the rest of the participants.