EUROPA MASTER PIGEONS OLR 2021. Training 27.07

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Training 27.07

  • Release Point: Boureni
  • Distance: 50 km
  • Release Time: 27.07.2021 08:45:00 (GMT +3:00)


Training flight of over 50 km was not so easy for the pigeons.
Half came exactly from the flight or the direction of release, then smaller groups from all directions followed.
One reason for this could be the fact that 3 other OLRs in the vicinity are training their pigeons in our direction of travel.
For some time in the afternoon, there have been strong storms in our area, with huge amounts of rain and hail. Fortunately, almost all the pigeons were at home. From now on, it will be a day of rest after each training flight of over 50 km.
All those who want to nominate their pigeons, send an email with your e-mail addresses, and with the expectation of the desire to bet, to the organizer. As you probably know, participants can place bets on their pigeons (nominations). A separate bank account has been created for this purpose. The money needed for betting can then be transferred only to this account. Those who want to, you will be informed about how to do this specifically.
Of course, you should also think about activating reserve pigeons: only active pigeons can make money.
The activation of the reserve pigeons will be done from 30.07 until 01.08.2021 by the owners of the pigeons. Starting with 12.00 on 02.08.2021, the activation of the pigeons can be done by any person who wants this. The list of inactivated pigeons will be made public, on 02.08, starting with 10.00. Activation ceases at 24.00 on 02.08.2021. Only activated pigeons can win prizes. Subsequent activation, after HS1, is impossible. We also inform you in this way that there is a very large number of third-party applicants for the activation of inactivated pigeons.
For 01/08/2021 flight, qualification, I wish all participants good luck and good flight.

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