One Loft Racing World League is a competition created and organized by Asociacion Global Derby for fanciers around the world in which the participating teams (fanciers) compete the same time as they do it in the One Loft Races.

Participating teams must formalize their registration with the Asociacion Global Derby to participate in One Loft Racing World League.

The competition is held in parallel with the real participation of the teams in the One Loft Races, taking into account for One Loft Racing World League; the results obtained in the One Loft Races, as explained in the rules of the competition.

Participating teams in One Loft Racing World League must register in all One Loft Races with the same name, in the following format: WL (team name), in order to easily identify them among all participants in the One Loft Races.

The teams participate in the One Loft Races under the rules, conditions, entry fee, entry period, shipments of pigeons, awards, money prizes, etc. that the One Loft Races have established, as any other participant. In no event One Loft Racing World League liable for any default by the participant or by the organizer of the One Loft Race.

In parallel, the registered participating teams will have to make (if any) the payment of the contribution to Asociacion Global Derby and will compete for awards and money prizes of One Loft Racing World League.

One Loft Racing World League is composed of several divisions, in the first edition starts with a World Top Division (Masters World Division) and various promotional divisions. In addition to this regulation there are rules for divisions.

For all divisions, the results considered for One Loft Racing World League will be the provided by organizers of the One Loft Races to One Loft Racing World League. In other words, times, disqualifications, race cancellations, suspensions, delays race, racing official closings, etc., set by the Loft Races One, it will be also for One Loft Racing World League. Any claim in this respect will be made by the participating teams to the organization of One Loft Race.

There is no relationship between / with the One Loft Races, whose results are valid for One Loft Racing World League. There are no One Loft Races first category, second category, etc. In One Loft Racing World League there are One Loft Races whose results are valid for Masters World Division, Promotional Division, etc. Besides, there will be changes every year.

The organization reserves the right to amend any conditions of the competition.


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