pre-registration form of Cristiano Paltrinieri in the One Loft Racing World League, so when we were following the final race on line and saw the first pigeons arrived, we were pleasantly surprised to see 4th Cristiano Paltrinieri (just three seconds after the first pigeon). A few days later, in the final race of As Golden Pigeon (Greece), Cristiano confirmed the quality of his pigeons winning the final race. Cristiano Paltrinieri achieved with these results a place in the Top World Division, and we are very happy, because that is the goal; a worldwide competition composed of champions.Cristiano Paltrinieri
Frank Parra, from, has spoken with the famous Italian fancier Cristiano Paltrinieri; The new star in One Loft Races.
Frank: Hi Cristiano, first of all, congratulations for your excellent results in 2016 and your place in Top World Division 2017. Besides, you are now the 1st in FCI Mundial Ranking 2 best and in the main position in 4 best. Did you expect this?
Cristiano: Thank you very much, I supposed to be competitive but not at that level. I started to send few pigeons to some One Loft Races some years ago, just to see the flag and the name on the websites. I achieved immediately super results, the 2nd as-pigeon in Derby Arona in 2010/2011. This pigeon, KEN, was the first Italian pigeon sold in Pipa. Then I sent pigeon to SAMDPR, achieving a 4th in Hot-Spot-Race with about 4400p. (still best result ever for an Italian pigeon), I won the 2nd as-pigeon 2012 in the Italian OLR and in 2014 I had the 1st As-pigeon in SAMDPR from 4th training till semifinal race. That super crack, named Daisuke Jigen, won 271st in final race, become very famous and was sold for a big amount in a local auction. Every year I send only 3 pigeons to SAMDPR and every year a SA fancier buy my pigeons because he has super results with the offsprings. But till 2014 was focused on racing on my loft, only in the last 2 years I start to participate regularly at about 10 One Loft Races with no more than 50-60 youngsters bred from breeders and from racers too.
Basic line of Cristiano Paltrinieri racing pigeons.
Frank: We see that winners and super pigeons come from winners and as-pigeons in one loft races. How could your selection be at the same level?
Cristiano: It is very easy: I live in Italy. In Italy there are no more than 1900 fanciers and they couldn’t race together: fanciers of South race from north to south and fanciers of North race the opposite. We are obliged by geography. But the average of the results of Italian pigeons is the best in Europe, if you compare it with the small amount of birds they basket in One Loft Races. Our selection is the hardest you can find: sea on the left, sea on the right, mountain on the middle, high temperatures (almost always over 30°) not so many opportunities for pigeons to rest and find water and food during the flights. Only the best, the clever and the strongest survive. And we use and select youngsters as in One Loft Races: no darkening, no coupling, no boxes, only the perch and the loft as motivator. In Nevele (BE), in FCI World Championship 2016, Italy won as 1st Country and 1st ace-pigeon. In 2015 Lorenzo Ghiacci was the 1st in FCI Mundial Ranking 2 best last season, Ervin Laro won Derby Brod final race 2015, the 6th and the apartment in Golden Race Algarve. Ervin Laro won again 1st as pigeon Greece 2016, and as non Matteo Grappa, who always found at the top of the FCI Mundial Rankings or One Loft Races as hard as Derby Arona and others of Spain and Portugal. In general other fanciers have super results too. But we are 5% or less average basketed pigeons in every race.
Handling birds. This pigeon is the world-famous breeder Lieve of Pipa Elite Center
Frank: Really hard. But to achieve prizes is not the same as to win, as you did in As Golden and in Sofia (you scored 4th but you are equal first, 4 pigeons together and less that 3 sec of difference), which have given you a place in Top World Division of One Loft Racing World League. Which is your secrets?
Cristiano: Very easy again: extreme hard selection. I am very busy with my jobs and my family and I live 15km far from my loft and since February 2016 I’m the President of Italian Federation. I take care of my pigeons by myself, no partners, no help, except my father that only feed them when I’m abroad. My pigeon should adapt to my system: they fly every year all the weekends from april to end July. Every year I start with 40 widowers and only 8 or 9 survive. The same for youngsters, I ring about 150 pigeons and I race 90 of them ONLY ON PERCHES till 490 km. Due to my little time for them, sometimes my pigeons can’t fly, sometimes they can’t eat. Sometimes the loft remain open during the night. But they race and I pretend no less that a couple of good results to keep them in the loft. I reject every pigeon that, for example, has a wet eye or do not recover quickly from a flight. The same for the ones that are difficult to manage: shy pigeons, not aggressive, not listening when I call them to feed, etc. And I give less medicines as possible thank to a super product I discovered myself and I make available to fanciers: Wonder Pigeon.
The small loft of Cristiano Paltrinieri
Frank: Wonder Pigeon. Everyone heard about it but maybe only few understand what really it is. Please explain us.
I discovered by chance the Italian company that PATENTED a natural formula with incredible success in all type of animal: chicken, pigs, cattles, etc. Together we experienced in my loft a formula for pigeons and put it on the market with the brand WONDER PIGEON. Wonder pigeon impact is incredible because it simplify enormously the daily work of fanciers: used regularly it has an antibacterial effect that keep pigeons intestine free from bacteria like salmonella, colibacillus, eschelechiacoli, etc. And at the same time it has an incredible recovery effect after efforts, hard flights and helps the pigeons metabolism in every single moment of the year. And despite what people could think is very cheap: you need only a small amount (1 kg bottle with 20° is enough for 100 pigeons for 100 days). By this time almost all professional fanciers use it regularly, and it is becoming famous and famous in One Loft Races because they already experienced it is the most effective product against young bird disease. One day Hugo Batenburg, a very good friend and world-famous fancier, phoned me and said: “Cristiano, I think you created a sort of Penicillin: before Wonder Pigeon every year I lost youngsters from my best couples and with them lot of money. Since I introduce WP I never found a dead pigeon anymore”.
With the great master Pascal Arien testing Wonder Pigeons
Frank: And for the future? What do you think about One Loft Racing World League?
Cristiano: One Loft Racing World League is a super idea, a way to create a category in which super pigeons from super fanciers fight together; the same 100 teams (Champions in One Loft Races) in the same races, no difference of lofts, food, ability of the manager, wind, etc, all the youngsters start on the same level, and only the best win without possible excuses. Some fanciers will rise to the top world division next season, others came down from division….I encourage all fanciers to participate in this new competition, I think it will be exciting and will bring together the elite of our sport.
We need ideas like this and classification like Mundial Ranking: One Loft Races is a new way to compete, this year I become totally crazy for One Loft Races. In 2017 I will send pigeons in every One Loft Races of Mundial Ranking, trying to be always more and more competitive. Racing in One Loft Races world I could discover and meet lot of friends from different countries: I will be in Monte Gordo for final race Algarve and I’m looking forward to meet in person dozen of facebook friends.
Cristiano Paltrinieri in Kassel with friends Filip Pudic (Derby Brod), Ervin Laro and Giorgio Luppi.
Frank: Thank you very much for your availability Cristiano, good luck in your races and welcome to the most exciting competition for fanciers around the world.
Cristiano: You are welcome. Thank you for this opportunity to speak about Italian pigeons and see you soon.
Finally, from want to remind all fanciers around the world that if they want to compete in a new worldwide challenge where, as Cristiano says, “only the best win without possible excuses”, just have to complete PRE-REGISTRATION FORM.
In Houten with great friends Nikolaas Gyselbrecht, Peter van de Merwe and Hugo Batenburg